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How Does One Create A Life Well Lived?

What makes up a life well lived? How do we create a life that we are proud to look back on during our last moments on this earth? The answer may be different for each person. How would you answer these questions on your final day on earth?

  • Did I experience unconditional love?
  • Did I take risks and opportunities that crossed my path when I had the chance or was I afraid to take those risks, and missed the opportunities because I feared what might happen?
  • Did I have dreams or goals and took action to bring those dreams to life so I could experience it in the physical world?
  • Did I help other people when I had the chance or did I stand back and watch them need help, and I did nothing?
  • Did I live my life in fear or did I do things despite my fear?
  • Did I try new things or did I stay in my comfort zone?
  • Did I leave more people than not with a memory of me being kind to them or are the memories of me they hold inside filled with pain and hurt?
  • Did I travel and see the world with my own eyes?
  • Did I go to all the places I wanted to visit?
  • Am I proud of the life I lived during my time on earth?
  • Did I love more than I hurt?
  • Did I give more than I take?
  • Was I kind and compassionate to all beings?
  • Did I learn what I came here to learn?
  • Did I evolve and grow wiser as the years swiftly passed or stay stuck in my ways?
  • Did I change the world and leave it a better place than before I arrived?
  • Did I live my truth despite how other people may feel?
  • Am I satisfied and content with the life I lived?
  • Did I truly live or did I just exist?

The answers may be different for each person. If you do not like how you answered the questions today, the beautiful thing is that you have the power to change those answers by your actions at any moment in time. What does a life well lived look like for you?