a flower field near the green trees under the white clouds

What I See In My Mind When I Meditate

I have been doing the practice of meditation for a decade now. I remember my many failed attempts in the beginning to quiet my mind just to have any glimpse of what other people are talking about when they say they meditate. Calming the “monkey in my mind” was no easy feat. I couldn’t tell you when the turning point was for me because it was trial and error and more importantly, never giving up until I succeeded.

Learning to meditate was a gradual process. After each attempt, it would become easier to reach a meditative state. More things were revealed to me in my mind and my body would feel sensations only achieved during meditation. With my eyes closed and body relaxed, it was as though I was traveling to another place of reality in my mind.

I begin by picturing a white light attached to my feet. The stream of white light shooting down into the middle of the earth, grabbing a piece of earth’s energy from the center and pulling it back up through my body. From the bottom of my feet, up my spine, and out the top of my head heading into the heavens. Once it reaches the entrance of the astral plane, it pulls a piece of white light from the heavens and brings it back down to me. Shooting through the top of my head, down my spine, out the bottom of my feet, down to the center of the earth. Creating a chord connecting myself to the earth and the heavens above.

sky reflection illustration
Photo by Min An on Pexels.com

I feel a zing of energy shoot through my body from both the earth and astral energies. Then I see, in my mind’s eye, a white ball of light around my abdomen area expanding outward until the white energy fills my body and forms a bubble around my aura. Filling my body from the inside out. Once this occurs, I can sense a part of me leaving my earthly body within this white ball of light going upwards into the heavens.

Once I reach the entrance of the astral plane, I am in a tubular white “elevator” going up and I choose which level I want to visit. As time passes, more levels are revealed, but the very first level that was shown to me in the beginning is still my favorite. I have visited many times since. This is the level I met my spirit guide, and I can see my loved ones that have already crossed over.

The scenery is always the same when I step off this astral elevator onto my favorite level. I always come into the picture from the left side. I am in a field of wildflowers with thick green lush trees bordering the land. Mountains peaking over the tree line in the distance. On the opposite side, on the far right, I can see a calm rippling stream flowing from the northeast to the southeast corner.

a flower field near the green trees under the white clouds
Photo by Lena Sova on Pexels.com

I always walk to the center of this field, and I am greeted by some being. This is where I met my spirit guide, Lydia. I met my other guides here as well, but I connect with Lydia almost daily. She is the one I call to the most for guidance or help.

Sometimes I am greeted in the middle by certain loved ones that I miss more than others, like my mother. I can see her clearly standing before me, and I am even able to wrap my arms around her and give her a hug. I have brief conversations with her not staying too long, but it is just enough time to feel her presence again. It is just enough time to feel her embrace and tell her I love her.

Just across the stream not far from the edge, is one single tall tree with lush green branches that provides a canopy over a wooden picnic table underneath. My loved ones that have crossed over are all sitting around this table talking and visiting with each as though it is just an ordinary day discussing random things. They are laughing and telling stories, enjoying one another’s company. Sometimes I cross over to the other side of the stream just so I can quickly say hello and give each one a hug and see their smiling faces again. This brings me so much peace.

I once heard that prayer is asking and meditation is listening. The practice of meditation has allowed me to have access to a field of energy that has always been present. This energy field connects everyone to everything throughout time and space without limitations. There is a knowing my loved ones are with me, that our souls are immortal and simply move on, and we are all connected to this energy field that each of us has access to if we choose to connect. Meditation is a way to connect with that which we cannot see with our eyes, but we feel within our soul.