woman looking at sea while sitting on beach

How Does A Person Become Free From Feeling Stuck In Their Life?

Throughout my life, I have gone through phases where it felt as though I was stuck. Stuck in a situation, stuck in a relationship, stuck in a cycle, stuck in a place in my life where I did not want to be and could not see a way out.  The feeling of being stuck is uncomfortable and even painful. Here are some tips to try that have helped me along the way to get unstuck.

  • “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.”

    Our thoughts have the power to create and alter our physical reality. Changing how you think seems like a simple concept, but it can be difficult. Having a different outlook and perspective on a situation can completely change the way you feel about that circumstance. Being open to other possibilities and seeing things from a new perspective can change your perception, therefore change your experience.

    • Asking Questions & Being Honest With The Answers

    Where do you see yourself in five years if you continue doing what you are doing today? Where do you see yourself in five years if you do the thing that scares you, but believe it could be the better option? When you come to the end of your life, would you regret not doing anything different than the choices you are making now? What does your ideal life look like? What steps can you take now to create that life? Any question that allows you to analyze your life may help you to make different choices.

    • The Only Way Out Is Through

    Sometimes we are in a situation where it feels like we have little to no control. Therefore, take it one day at a time. Sometimes, one moment at a time. This is a temporary place to rest and recoup your weary heart because it has been through so much, but this place is not meant to be a permanent home to reside forever. You are passing through it and not taking up permanent residence. Allow yourself this time to feel all the feelings that this experience is bringing. Allow yourself grace to move through it.

    • It Is Okay To Ask For Help

    No one person can do it all on their own and keep their sanity for long. It is okay to ask for help. Some believe asking for help is a sign of weakness, laziness or incompetence. The unrealistic expectations placed on people needs to change. We all need help sometimes. There are people around us willing to help if we just ask.

    • Talk To Someone

    Talking to a trusted person about your experiences can help release the weight and burden that one holds when keeping their feelings hidden. A trusted friend or family member, or an unbiased nonjudgmental person that can be a listening ear to provide advice or guidance may be helpful. The act of telling your story is powerful alone and can be a release of what is holding you back.

    The recipe of answers may not be universally the same for everyone or every situation. Trying different methods that resonate with you the most can be a good place to start. What are some methods you have tried to get unstuck when it feels like your current situation in life is holding you back?