person on top of a hill

My Journey to Healing: Discovering Alternative Ways to Heal the Mind, Body & Soul

Healers. I love finding different ways to heal a person’s mind, body, and soul. The possibilities seem endless on all the ways healers use their skills, knowledge, and energy to heal another person. I plan to set out on a journey to discover different methods of healing and I want to document what I find and take you with me along the way.

What initiated this quest for knowledge about healers is my disdain for how our current medical system works in the country where I reside, which is the United States. The goal seems to be about money and profit rather than keeping the citizens healthy. All medical care is extremely expensive, and if you do not have medical insurance (which is expensive as well) than you will most likely be in debt if you ever have any type of ailment that requires hospitalization or specialty care.

Not only is the price you pay to be healed unreasonable, but a person often goes to the doctor after they are already sick. There is not a strong emphasis on prevention or alternative methods of healing. No matter what the complaint is when you go to the doctor, more times than not, you will be walking out of the doctor’s office with some prescription for a medicine that will attempt to heal your main complaint. That comes with a price as well because most, if not all, medications come with side effects that will cause other issues that were not initially present. Therefore, you might need to take more medication to heal the side effects. The medication is like a band aid never getting to the main source of the cause, but covering up the effects from what caused it in the first place.

I strongly feel that most ailments people have is because of blocked energy and traumas they have faced throughout their life that has been buried. We carry with us in our cells in our bodies and in our subconscious all the traumas and pain we have ever faced throughout our life. Not only do we carry our own trauma, but the trauma of our ancestors that has been past down through generations in our DNA. I believe in order to heal, there needs to be a focus on healing the mind, body and soul. One cannot be fully healed without healing the others simultaneously. In fact, I predict that if more people healed the mind and soul, than most ailments in their body would not occur.  The body is always communicating to you what needs to be healed every time you experience pain or other ailments, but we tend to only focus on healing the body and ignoring our mind and soul. If we look deeper within ourselves, by healing our past traumas and facing our shadows than perhaps all the physical ailments like pain, depression, anxiety, headaches, migraines, and disease will go away.

I am excited to go on this journey to find answers. I hope this either inspires you to try different safe alternative methods of healing, or at least open your eyes to the possibilities of all types of healers.