dramatic starry sky over trees peaks at night

I Had The Most Amazing Encounter & It Changed The Way I See Life

I love the way the universe works. I am fascinated the more I learn about life and all the possibilities of this world and beyond. That is why I love talking about spirituality. The last ten years of my life I have turned into a seeker. I am constantly asking questions, almost obsessing over different possibilities, and searching out people who have lived a spiritual life. I do not mean church and religion. Religion can be a beautiful guidance system on how to live a more loving life on Earth. However, I believe spirituality goes far beyond the depths of any religion.

I had the most amazing encounter last week. After taking two of my kids to school, I came home with Ryland. As I was trying to get him out of the van, the lift completely stopped working. I called a local place and told them about the situation, and they sent someone right away since my son was stuck inside the van. The man arrived and began to work on the lift. As I was talking to him, I was trying to figure out what nationality he was and attempting to decipher the origin of his accent. I asked him if he was from the area. He said that he was not originally from here but lived here since he was a teenager. He was from Sicily, which was my paternal grandfather’s homeland as well. I asked him if he felt at home here in which he replied, “home is home” (which meant Sicily). Then I confessed my sadness of not feeling at home here despite it being the only place I have ever lived and knew as a home. This began a long discussion between us about spirituality. He believed in very similar things as I do regarding the possibilities of how the world works. It is rare to find people who think similar things as myself regarding spirituality. I enjoy finding like-minded people to discuss this topic with where I am not explaining myself or hearing silence as a response to what I said because they do not know how to respond. This was an actual discussion because we were already on the same page.

When it was almost time for him to leave, he mentioned that he has always had the ability to read the energy of other people. I asked him if he could read me. He said that I basically already told him that I am searching for something. He then told me that it is okay to search and ask the questions, but not to become obsessed with the searching. If you were blind or deaf, then all you would have left is to feel. Feel more. Look into yourself more instead of searching outside of yourself. When you become overly obsessed with searching for the answers, your focus becomes narrowed. When you release your grasp on what you are seeking, then you will see the bigger picture and the answers will come to you.  I then asked if he could read Ryland during the brief time that he was in the van before I took him inside the house. He replied, “Oh yeah! He is 100% all there. He does not feel like you think he feels. Overall, he is content. He appreciates everything that is done for him. He does not need sympathy. It might suck sometimes but he sees the world for how it really is. Life is simpler. His energy is one hundred percent love. Just love. He doesn’t feel envy or greed. He does not see or experience the world the same way we do”. I responded with a smile, “So I am the one that is blind?”. He laughed and said, “pretty much…yes”.

Have you ever had an encounter with a stranger that completely changed the way you look at life? That is what this man did for me. I know what he said was true about Ryland (and myself), but it took me years to see that about Ryland. He saw that energy in moments. There is a gift in being developmentally delayed and seeing the world entirely different than a typical healthy person who develops at the “normal” rate. Just like babies, if their basic needs are met and given love then they are content. That is Ryland. He is content most of the time. He does not know greed, lust, envy, fear, jealousy, hate, anger, sadness, despair, sorrow, or any other unpleasant emotions that most people experience. It took me years to realize this positive aspect about Ryland. Not having those types of emotions frees you in a way. Life is all about balance. He might be trapped inside of a body that is limiting, but he is free in regard to how he feels. To hear that his energy is one hundred percent love opened my eyes for the first time, and I see Ryland and life in an entirely different way. I feel like I have been awakened or part of a veil has been lifted and I can see the world with a clearer view than I did before. If you took all those unpleasant emotions away, you would be left with seeing the world for how it truly is without all the distractions. You would see the world through the eyes of only love.